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Kamis, 04 Desember 2008

Digital Point Articles Packs

Advertising Articles
How to Develop an Effective Advertising Campaign? (403 words)SOLD
Understanding Effective Advertising Concept (530 Words) SOLD
How to Properly Research your Market? (493 Words)SOLD
Identifying and Targeting your Market Segment (497 Words)SOLD
Understanding Strategy Development for Advertising Campaign (555 Words)SOLD

Concocting Creative Advertising Hooks to Get Consumer’s Attention (407 Words)
Focusing on Ads That People Respond to Most (505 Words)
How to Incorporate Creative Messages Into Media Ad Campaign? (914 Words)
How to Use Brainstorming Session to Create Amazing Advertising Hooks? (541 Words)

Allergy Articles
Easy Introduction to Allergy (450 Words)
A Complete Guide on Allergens (998 Words)
Difference between allergic reaction and normal reaction (399 Words)

Anger Management Articles

The Effect of Tobacco and Alcohol on Anger (500 Words) $5

Arthritis Articles
An Overview on Arthritis (431 Words)
Two Common Types of Arthritis (662 Words)
Effects of Exercises on Arthritis (398 Words)
The Importance of Motor Fitness and Stamina Exercises for Arthritis Sufferers (645 Words)
The Importance of Muscle Flexibility, Strength and Endurance for Arthritis Sufferers (627 Words)

Asthma Articles
How to Discuss Asthma with Your Doctor? (714 Words)
Immunotherapy as Asthma Treatment (1027 Words)
Understanding Peak-Flow Measurements of Asthma (640 Words)

Backpacking For Family Articles
How to Hike Ultra-Light with Children? (488 Words) SOLD
Three Styles of Backpacking: What Style of Backpacker Are You? (873 Words) SOLD
What to Do to Prepare for the Family Backpacking Trip? (742 Words) SOLD

Blood Pressure Articles
Simple introduction to blood pressure (495 Words) SOLD
When is a blood pressure reading considered high blood pressure? (427 Words) SOLD
Comparison between many types of blood pressure devices (535 Words) SOLD
Are blood pressure readings with a sphygmomanometer accurate? (643 Words) SOLD

Business Selling Articles
Considering Strategic Business Alliance and ESOP in Business Selling (430 Words) $3 SOLD
How to Do Business Ownership Transfer to an Employee? (322 Words) $2 SOLD
Selling your Business to Partners and Other Business Owners (511 Words) $4 SOLD
Three Lucrative Alternatives Other Than Business Selling (481 Words) $4 SOLD
Three Common Issues of Transferring Business Ownership to Family Members (310 Words) $2 SOLD
Three Major Reasons for Buying a Business (401 Words) $3 SOLD

Car Repair Articles
Signs that Your Car Needs a Tune-Up(298 Words) SOLD
Dealing With Hard-to-Reach Spark Plugs (243 Words) SOLD
How to Buy the Suitable Spark Plugs for Your Car? (492 Words) SOLD
Nine Items You Need to Change and Gap the Spark Plugs (369 Words) SOLD
Deciding if You Should Change the Spark Plugs Yourself (587 Words)

Customer Service Articles
How do You Talk About Customer Service? (586 Words)
How to Survey Employees to Deliver Great Customer Service? (509 Words)
How to Survey Senior Management to Deliver Great Customer Service? (508 Words)
How to Survey Your Customer Service Organization? (378 Words)
The Main Goal in Talking About Customer Service at Staff Meetings (367 Words)

Children Health Articles

How to be Sure that Your Kids Eat Well? (547 Words) $5 SOLD
Seven Simple Ways to Enhance Children Immune System (652 Words) $6.5 SOLD
DIY solution for common child illness (298 Words) $2 SOLD
Five Common Signs of Child Illness (582 Words) $4 SOLD
How to be Sure that Your Kids Eat Well? (547 Words) $4.5 SOLD
How to Deal with Vaccination Side-Effects on Children? (387 Words) $3 SOLD
How to Make Your Children Breath Easily, Get Enough Sleep and Stay Safe? (467 Words) $3.5 SOLD
How to Properly Use Antibiotics on Children? (332 Words) $2 SOLD

Child Safety Articles
Four Key Ingredients for Keeping Kids from Injury (860 Words)
How you can get External Helps to Keep Your Children Safe? (952 Words)
Understanding Infant Carriers and Swings Safety (637 Words)

Debt Management Articles
How Credit Counseling Agency can Help You to Eliminate Debts? (393 Words) $3
How to Lower the Interest Rate of Your Existing Debts? (325 Words) $2
How to Use a Budget to Get Out of Debt Quickly? (329 Words) $2
How You can Start to Take Stock of Your Financial Situation? (556 Words) $4.5

Dementia and Alzheimer's Articles
Behavioral Symptoms of Dementia and Alzheimer's (477 Words) SOLD
Cognitive and Emotional Symptoms of Dementia and Alzheimer's (583 Words) SOLD
Drug Intoxication as the Cause of Reversible Dementia (555 Words) SOLD
Alcohol and Poisons as the Cause of Reversible Dementia (310 Words) SOLD
Depression and Nutritional Deficiencies as the Causes of Reversible Dementia (466 Words)

Digital Photography Articles
Color Space Definitions Used in Digital Photography (785 Words) SOLD
Understanding Capture Delays in Digital Camera (291 Words) SOLD
Understanding Sensor Resolution and Lenses of Digital Camera (361 Words) SOLD

Understanding Focal Length of Digital Camera Lens (596 Words) SOLD
Understanding Digital Camera with Long Focal-Length Lenses (453 Words)
Understanding Digital Camera with Short Focal-Length Lenses (354 Words)
Understanding Digital Camera with Special-Purpose Lenses (491 Words)

Eye Care Articles
An Introduction to the Inner Working of Eye(1158 Words)
An Introduction to Eye Examination (1020 Words)
An Introduction to Eye Care Professionals (624 Words)

Medicare Articles
An Easy Introduction on Medicare (928 Words)
Medicare as a Cost-Sharing Program (624 Words)
Medicare as a Political Compromise (514 Words)
Who Really Runs Medicare (768 Words)

Menopause Articles

Understanding Female Reproductive System (372 Words)
Hormones and Woman Body (1023 Words)
Understanding Changes in the Menopausal Years (794 Words)

Finance Articles
How Credit Report Can Tell People About Your Personality? (507 Words) $5 SOLD
Nobody is perfect: Don’t expect a flawless credit report (555 Words) $5.5 SOLD
Six Types of Loan that You Need to Avoid (766 Words) $7.5 SOLD
What to do if you have erroneous data in your credit report? (555 Words) $5.5 SOLD
Who Uses the Information in Your Credit report? (290 Words) $3 SOLD
Why Credit Report Is Important? (521 Words) $5 SOLD
How to Assess Your Spending Habits? (650 Words)
How to Recognize your Financial Strengths and Weaknesses? (590 Words)
Setting Saving Goals with your Spouse (398 Words)
Seven Easy Ways to Lower Transportation Costs (308 Words)
Thirteen Simple Ways to Lower Utility Bills (361 Words)

Foreclosure Articles
Easy Guide on 14 Steps of Foreclosure Procedure (586 Words) $5.5 SOLD
Five Common Mistakes When Buying a Property in Foreclosure Auction (538 Words)$5 SOLD
Six Types of Property that Often Sold at Deep Discounts (373 Words) $3.5 SOLD
How to Do Early Research in Foreclosure Investing? (364 Words) $2.5 SOLD
The Real Value of Money in Foreclosure Investing (341 Words) $2.5 SOLD
Three Important Public Documentations That Should be Examined before Buying a Property (325 Words) $2 SOLD
Visit the Property Before You Buy It! (366 Words) $2.5 SOLD
How Homeowners May Wind Up in Foreclosure? (374 Words) $2.5 SOLD
Six Common Causes of Foreclosure (721 Words) $6 SOLD
Six Phases of Foreclosure (337 Words) $2.5 SOLD
Which one should be paid first: Credit Card or Mortgage? (466 Words) $3.5 SOLD
Twelve Important Documents That Must be Prepared when Facing the Foreclosure Threat (857 Words) $7.5 SOLD
Eight Important People that can Help You Prevent Foreclosure (464 Words) $3.5 SOLD
Four Financial Problems that can Lead to Foreclosure (381 Words) $3 SOLD
What to do When Foreclosure Finally Strikes? (443 Words) $3.5 SOLD
How to Investigate the Homeowners and Their Situation? (357 Words)
How to Safely Take Possession of a Property? (680 Words)
Realizing Your Profits in Foreclosure Investment (619 Words)
Two Common Types of Foreclosure (358 Words)

Hearing Loss Articles
A Simple Guide on Hearing Loss (959 Words) SOLD
Types of Hearing Loss (391 Words) SOLD
Earwax and Surfer’s Ear as the Causes of Conductive Hearing Loss (708 Words)
Ruptured Eardrum and Otitis Media as the Causes of Conductive Hearing Loss (1078 Words)

Horse Racing Articles
How to Place a Bet in Horse Racing (347 Words) $3.5

House Selling Articles
Don’t make faulty conclusions when planning to move (395 Words) $3 SOLD
Don’t sell the house if you are having difficulties in managing your expenses (354 Words) $2.5 SOLD
Emotional and Career Factors on House Selling (392 Words) $3 SOLD
Finding Good Reasons for House Selling (480 Words) $4 SOLD
Selling House in Slumped Property Market (332 Word) $2 SOLD
Which One to Choose: Sell or Improve the House? (661 Words) $5.5 SOLD

Identity Theft Articles
A Few Facts on Identity Theft (362 Words) $3.5 SOLD
How are Financial Documents Used in Identity Theft? (680 Words) $6 SOLD
How are Government Documents Used in Identity Theft? (474 Words) $ 4 SOLD
How Identity Thief can Find Your Personal Information Online? (337 Words) $3 SOLD

Job Hunting & Career Articles
Eight Simple Things that can Make Your Second Job more Bearable (409 Words) $4
Simple Methods to Avoid Business Scam (406 Words) $4

Marketing Articles
Four Marketing Differences between Small and Big Businesses (550 Words) $5.5 SOLD

Money Saving and Frugality Articles
18 Simple Ways to Eat Cheaply (456 Words) $4.5
How Homeowners and Renters can save Money? (445 Words) $4.5
How to Cut Down Your Home Cooling Cost? (526 Words) $5.25 SOLD
How to Reduce Your Medical Costs? (507 Words) $5
How to Save Money on Prescription Drugs? (429 Words) $4.25 SOLD

Money Management Articles
Money: The Deepest Secret in Society (782 Words)
Understanding Money Messages (925 Words)
What is Indirect Money Message? (468 Words)

Notebook Articles
A Guide on Buying Refurbished Notebook Battery (298 Words) $2 SOLD
Easy Tips for Notebook Cleaning (586 Words) $ 4 SOLD
Four Good Reasons to Buy a Notebook (437 Words) $3 SOLD
Should You Remove the Notebook Battery when Using AC Power for A Long Time? (342 Words) $2.5 SOLD
Understanding the Dreaded Memory Effect (265 Words) $1.5 SOLD

Nutrition Articles
Health Benefits of Sunflower (450 Words) $4.5

Online Poker Articles
How to Analyze your Opponent in Online Poker Game (315 Words) $3 SOLD
How to Manage Speed Differences in Online Poker? (560 Words) $6 SOLD
The Sensory Perception of Online Poker (225 Words) $2 SOLD
Why Online Poker Players Bet More Aggressively? (319 Words) $3 SOLD
Choosing a Seat in Online Poker Table (324 Words) $2SOLD
Getting a Feel for How Online Poker Works (373 Words) $2.5 SOLD
Nine Things to Consider When Looking for High Quality Poker Sites (470 Words) $3.5 SOLD
Paper Checks and Electronic Checks (ACH) as Money Transfer Options for Online Poker (367 Words) $2.5 SOLD
Understanding Cash Transfer in Online Poker (399 Words) $3 SOLD
Understanding Online Poker Netiquette (325 Words) $2SOLD
A Walkthrough on Hold ’Em and Omaha Online Poker Games (523 Words) SOLD
How to Play Aggressively and Safely in No-Limit Hold ’Em Online Poker Tournament? (366 Words) SOLD
Understanding No-Limit Pot-Limit Ring Online Poker Games (446 Words) SOLD
Understanding Poker Robots (453 Words) SOLD
How to Face Distractions in Online Poker? (254 Words) SOLD
How to Prevent Computer Crashes During Online Poker Sessions? (304 Words) SOLD
How to Prevent Wrong Clicks in Online Poker? (285 Words) SOLD
Never Play Online Poker at Multiple Tables (336 Words) SOLD
How to Learn from Every Online Poker Experience (397 Words) SOLD
Taking Notes on Other Online Poker Players (545 Words) SOLD
Basic Intelligence Gathering in Online Poker Game (382 Words) SOLD

How to Disguise your Online Hands? (507 Words) SOLD
How to Track Betting and Playing Styles in Online Poker? (487 Words)
How to Vary the Speed of your Online Poker Games? (646 Words)
Observing Hands and Positions Types in Online Poker Games (577 Words)
Observing pauses in Online Poker Games (386 Words)
What to Do If You are the Smallest-Stacked Player in a Poker Game (489 Words) SOLD
Understanding Re-buying Basics in Poker Games (629 Words) SOLD
Understanding Bubble in Poker Tournament (697 Words) SOLD
How to Bully Other Players with a Huge Chip Stack (594 words)
The Consequences of Free Entry Fee in Free-Roll Tournaments (788 Words) SOLD
Your Playing Chance in Single-entry Tourneys (261 Words) SOLD
How to Choose Good Stake at Poker Tournament ?(323 Words) SOLD
Understanding Head’s-up Tournament (380 Words) SOLD
Your Playing Chance in Single-entry Tourneys (261 Words)

Personal Management Articles
How a Planner can Change You Into a Successful Manager? (551 Words)
How to Create a Proper To-Do List? (691 Words)
Three Important Tools to Organize Yourself (520 Words)
How to Establish an Effective System for Handling and Storing Paper? (658 Words)

Skin Care Articles
The Functions of the Skin (544 Words)
Main Categories of Soaps Available (654 Words)
Who is Susceptible to Skin Problem? (265 Words)
Tips on Using and Choosing Moisturizers (1100 Words)

Travel Tips Articles
Card Giving, Eye Contact and Handshake Tips When Traveling Abroad (492 Words)SOLD
Documents That You Should Prepare and Carry when Traveling Abroad (373 Words)SOLD
How to Behave Properly When Visiting Other Country? (513 Words)SOLD
Tips for Business Gift Giving When Traveling Abroad (363 Words)SOLD

Vitamin A Articles
An Easy Introduction on Vitamin A (553 Words)
The Benefits of Carotenoids (599 Words)
Vitamin A as Antioxidant (430 Words)
The Danger of Vitamin A Overdose (570 Words)
The Danger of Vitamin A Deficiency (615 Words)

Miscellaneous Articles
Basic Guide on Human Immune Mechanism (650 Words) $6.5 SOLD
A Complete Guide on How to Manage Yourself $12
A Short Guide on Collecting Hobby $7
A Short Guide on Interest Rate (314 Words) $2.5 SOLD
How to Reverse Aging and Always Young? (854 Words) $6 SOLD
Language Survival Guide for Americans (655 Words) $6 SOLD
Psychological Preparation for New Grandparents (1626 Words) $12
Quick and Easy Way to Balance your Checkbook (482 Words) $4.5 SOLD
Sleep, a Luxury of Modern Age (1311 Words) $11
The Mixed Blessing of Upright Walking (582 Words) $5
Wedding Budgeting and the Old-Style Wedding (614 Words) $5
Why it is not a good idea to put your money under the mattress? (877 Words) $7.5

Article Packs
Business Dressing Articles
Career Articles
Horse Racing Articles SOLD
Job Hunting II Articles
Job Hunting Articles
Relationship Articles
Study Techniques Articles
Personal Finance Articles SOLD
Personal Management Articles
Wedding Articles SOLD

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